function WhatWindowsIsInstalled: string; var VerInfo: TOsVersionInfoExA; begin FillChar(VerInfo, sizeof(VerInfo), 0); VerInfo.old.dwOSVersionInfoSize := Sizeof(TOsVersionInfoExA); if not GetVersionExA(VerInfo.old) then begin VerInfo.old.dwOSVersionInfoSize := Sizeof(TOsVersionInfoA); GetVersionExA(VerInfo.old); end; case VerInfo.old.dwPlatformId of VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: if (Verinfo.old.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (Verinfo.old.dwBuildNumber = 950) then Result := 'Windows 95' else if (Verinfo.old.dwMajorVersion = 4) and (Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion = 10) and (Verinfo.old.dwBuildNumber = 1998) then Result := 'Windows 98' else if (Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion = 90) then Result := 'Windows Me'; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: if Verinfo.old.dwMajorVersion = 3 then Result := 'Windows NT 3.51' else if Verinfo.old.dwMajorVersion = 4 then Result := 'Windows NT 4.0' else if Verinfo.old.dwMajorVersion = 5 then begin if Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion = 0 then Result := 'Windows 2000' else if Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion = 1 then Result := 'Windows XP' else if Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion = 2 then Result := 'Windows Server 2003'; end else if Verinfo.old.dwMajorVersion = 6 then begin if Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion = 0 then begin if VerInfo.wProductType=VER_NT_WORKSTATION then Result := 'Windows Vista' else if VerInfo.wProductType<>VER_NT_WORKSTATION then Result := 'Windows Server 2008' end else if Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion = 1 then begin if VerInfo.wProductType=VER_NT_WORKSTATION then Result := 'Windows 7' else if VerInfo.wProductType<>VER_NT_WORKSTATION then Result := 'Windows Server 2008 R2' end else if Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion = 2 then begin if VerInfo.wProductType=VER_NT_WORKSTATION then Result := 'Windows 8' else if VerInfo.wProductType<>VER_NT_WORKSTATION then Result := 'Windows Server 2012' end else if Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion = 3 then begin if VerInfo.wProductType=VER_NT_WORKSTATION then Result := 'Windows 8.1' else if VerInfo.wProductType<>VER_NT_WORKSTATION then Result := 'Windows Server 2012 R2' end end else begin try Result := 'Windows '+IntToStr(Verinfo.old.dwMajorVersion)+'.'+IntToStr(Verinfo.old.dwMinorVersion); except result:='Empty' end; end; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: Result := 'Win32s'; end; end;Свежая информация по константам версий:
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